Thursday, March 7, 2013

Symptoms beginning and 1st Bump Update

Posted by Mrs. C. at 8:48 AM
Well, we are moving right along and almost at the 6 week mark (2 more days!). John's been a great husband putting up with me. He thinks I'm crazy because on Tuesday I was complaining/worrying about having no symptoms lately and then yesterday I called from work saying that the thought of food repulses me!  It's funny because the thought of food makes my stomach churn, but once I eat it, I feel better. So... morning sickness might be coming my way. I don't want to feel sick, but it does make me feel better because it's like a little reminder from the peanut that she is still there.

We went out to dinner last night and I stuffed my face with spinach and artichoke dip and a delicious spinach, cranberry, and avocado salad. I've been really proud of myself for forcing the veggies down. I'm not a veggie type of girl but I've been having carrots for lunch every day and another veggie for dinner. Last night's salad made me feel good about my choices, especially because I was really craving pizza.

The weirdest thing happened last night. John and Sammie were snuggled up on the couch, watching the SU basketball game. I walked into the room and Sammie looked up at me and started growling. I mean, legit growling like he didn't recognize me!  He has never done that before and John and I thought it was really strange. Maybe he thinks I smell differently?  He soothed my feelings and apologized by following me around the rest of the night. :)

This morning I woke up feeling fine. The hungry ache in my stomach did not show its ugly face. I did have some really vivid, and weird dreams that woke me up out of my sleep bright and early.

Here's my bump update from last week.


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