Sunday, April 21, 2013

Week 12

Posted by Mrs. C. at 1:56 PM
Our first official 'Bump Update!'

How Far Along: 12 weeks as of Friday 4/19

Size Of BabyBaby is the size of a small Plum and is just over 2 inches long.

Maternity Clothes: Not yet, although I wore sweat pants (yes, sweat pants!) on the plane ride to and from Italy. Comfort was key on over 14 hours of air time!

Weight Gain: Prior to Italy I was up almost 2 lbs, but now I'm back at what I weighed at the start: 124.lbs. Must have been all the walking! I also think I have lost muscle mass because my running has taken a back burner.

Stretch Marks: No and I hope it stays this way!

Sleep:  I have been sleeping really well these past few weeks. I can nap at any time.1st trimester fatigue helps with this!

Best Moment of the WeekOn our Italy trip, John told me he had a dream about you! It was very sweet. Also, I had my NT exam this week on 4/22 and I was able to see you squirm around for an hour. You've been so good to me so far, baby. You haven't made me sick much, but boy, you were stubborn at this checkup! The ultrasound tech. had to push on my tummy for 45 minutes, trying to get you in the right position. I was ordered to drink some juice, eat some PB&J crackers, empty my bladder, and turn around on the exam table just to get you moving! But when you moved, oh my goodness, it was the BEST thing in the world. I had a smile plastered on my face the whole hour. You were squirming around and moving your hands to your face. I didn't mind the pain from the all the pushing on my belly, because the view of you moving around was worth it. You made my heart so happy.

MovementStill too early, although the websites say you are moving, you are too tiny for me to notice.
Cravings: haha. I always have cravings, so this is not new. I did crave olives last week, which was a bit odd. 

Gender: No one knows! Daddy thinks you are a girl. My mom and John's grandma think you are a boy.

Belly Button In or Out: In 

Wedding Ring on or Off: On

Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: I felt a bit queasy on the airplane coming home from Italy, but I think it was the yucky sandwich they handed out to passengers in Switzerland. It smelled disgusting!

What I Miss: Just going out for a long, enjoyable run. I can't run more than 3-4 miles without feeling sick now:(  

Labor Signs: We aren't going to answer this until another 6 months. mmkay?

Symptoms: Just hungry more often. You have been such a sweet little baby to your momma.
Nursery: No thoughts yet. John and I aren't sure where we will be living when you come.



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