Saturday, May 25, 2013

Bump Update 17 weeks

Posted by Mrs. C. at 6:40 PM 0 comments

How Far Along: 17 weeks as of May 24th

Size Of Baby: According to baby center: "Weighs about 5 ounces and is 5 inches long from head to bottom-the size of a red onion.  Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. . She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.
Maternity Clothes: I gave in a bit and bought a nice comfy pair of maternity jeans. They weren't a necessity yet, but they make me feel a whole lot more comfy:)

Weight Gain About 2.5- 3 lbs.

Stretch Marks: Some have appeared on my lower back, but John says that they have always been there. So maybe I haven't noticed them? I think they might be more apparent now, because they are pretty obvious! I hope that's where they stay!

SleepYuck!  The restlessness has started. It's getting uncomfortable to lay on my tummy and I'm afraid to stay on my back too long. But, sleeping on my side is just NOT working for me! I can't stay asleep because I get uncomfortable fast. I hope my body learns to adjust.

Best Moment of the WeekDefinitely hearing your little heartbeat at the doctor's checkup this past Wednesday. It's beating strong, in the 150s.

MovementNot yet, but I am waiting!

Cravings: My appetite hasn't been too crazy this week. I tend to get really hungry at school during my morning class at 10:00. But I haven't overindulged in dinner to lunch.

Gender: 2/ 1/2 weeks until we find out!! My mom is pretty positive that baby is a boy.

Belly Button In or Out: In 

Wedding Ring on or Off: Definitely on. I usually don't wear my rings to the gym, but I want people to know that there is a baby daddy. haha:)

Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Nope. Baby has been so good to me.

What I Miss: A nice, restful night of sleep!

Labor Signs: N/A

Symptoms: Just a growing belly that makes me question if I'm pregnant or just getting fat.

Nursery: On hold until I find out baby's sex.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Bump Update 16 weeks

Posted by Mrs. C. at 2:54 PM 0 comments
This momma is growing. Here I am at 15 weeks and 16 weeks. I'm definitely rounding up:)

This week was an exciting one because we announced to the world that we were expecting!!  People seemed SO happy for us and very surprised. It is a great feeling to have so much love and support from family and friends.

It was also Mother's Day this past week and John surprised me with a sweet card and roses.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Bump Update: 14 Weeks

Posted by Mrs. C. at 12:13 PM 0 comments
There is no bump photo from this week. John worked late this weekend and I wasn't able to get a picture taken. 

How Far Along: 14 weeks, 4 days as of May 8th

Size Of BabyBaby is the size of a lemon, and is 3 1/2 inches long. Baby weighs 1 1/2 ounces.
According to the babycenter, 

"Baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb! Thanks to brain impulses, his facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another. His kidneys are producing urine, which he releases into the amniotic fluid around him — a process he'll keep up until birth."
Maternity Clothes: Not yet. But I'm wondering when I should get them. I still fit into my jeans comfortably, but they're not too flattering. I have a bit of a lower tummy bulging out.

Weight Gain: Some days I feel normal sized and others, I look in the mirror and see a bump. I've only gained 1 lb so far. I'm at 124.5.

Stretch Marks: Nope. Lathering on my body oil each night.

SleepI had a few rough nights this week when I tried avoiding sleeping on my tummy and back. I just couldn't get comfortable. The next night, I decided to forgo my experiment and just continue to enjoy these positions until the doctor tells me otherwise.

Best Moment of the WeekWhen I looked in the mirror one morning, and thought that a baby bump was forming.

MovementNot yet. You are deep in there.

Cravings: I had my first real craving this week and John was a loving husband. All of a sudden, I NEEDED to have rice crispy treats. So I went up to John, who was on the chair playing video games. 

Me: Babbbb-y, how much do you love me?
Him: Why? What did you do?
Me: Nothing. Do you think you could go to the store and buy some marshmellows and rice krispy treats so that I can make rice crispy treats?
Him: Oh boy. Is this like a pregnancy craving? 
Me: Maybe. They just sound SO good and I have to finish making dinner.
Him: Ok. But let's not make this a habit.

Such a sweet guy. I couldn't believe he did this for me. My pregnancy hormones almost took over as I held back tears. hehe. I even called my mom to tell her how great he was.

Gender: I am beginning to realize that I have an overwhelming feeling that you are a girl. But that could just be  my brain playing tricks on me. 5 long more weeks until we know for sure!

Belly Button In or Out: In 

Wedding Ring on or Off: On- But last week it slipped off my finger at the supermarket! I thought your fingers were supposed to get fatter, not skinnier!

Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Not really.

What I Miss: Finding an outfit to wear without having to shift through my closet a 100 times wondering if the outfit makes me look fat or pregnant.

Labor Signs: N/A

Symptoms: Feeling pretty good these past few weeks.

Nursery: Thoughts are forming. I've been researching registry items all this week. I can't really do anything for the nursery until I find out whether baby is a boy or girl.

EmotionsI feel back to my old self again these past two weeks. I've been running and feeling good. I came inside the house after a 4.5 mile run and told John, "I've got my running mojo back!"

Sharing the News

Posted by Mrs. C. at 11:49 AM 0 comments

John and I decided to tell our parents at 10 weeks.  We wanted to wait until we got closer to the "safe" zone and it worked out well because I had my first official doctor's checkup a few days before.  We also wanted to be able to tell John's parents in person and they were coming to visit us right on the 10 week mark.

We told my parents the night before John's parents came to visit.  Our plan was to send the above photo to my parents via email. But this plan went astray when my mom told me early in the morning that she was taking a girl's day to the Casino with my Aunt Kathy.  I was so upset that morning! I had been keeping our little baby a secret for 6 weeks and I was just bursting to tell my parents. I managed to convince my mom that I absolutely needed her to view a video that I made for a very important school observation the following day. It worked! She told my aunt she had to be home and I was able to send my parents the email at 9pm that night.

It went a little like this:

Me: Ok, I'm sending it.

Mom: Ok, we're waiting. Haven't gotten it yet.

Dad: Reading the title of the photo, School Project. I'm opening it...... silence....What the hell?  more silence....

Me: giggling

Dad: Honey, I think your daughter's pregnant.

Mom: Clearly from the other side of the room.  WHAT? 

Then all I hear is a bunch of high pitched, excited screaming coming from my mom, for literally a minute straight.  She was speaking, but her words were not audible. She was SO EXCITED and totally surprised!!! Both my parents were thrilled. My mom started asking a zillion questions and my dad told me he was proud of me (which I guess is a bit odd, but I love making my daddy proud, so it made me happy nonetheless).

I later found out that my dad's "WHAT THE HELL?" was because he thought he was looking at a picture of his heart and he couldn't figure out why it would be my school project. hehe He's so funny.

John's parents were also very excited to hear the news. When they arrived at our apartment in Rhode Island the next day, we sat around our living room for a few minutes chatting about where we would eat dinner. I stole Sammie away and put on his "Big Brother" t-shirt.  He then ran up to John's mom and John told her to check out Sammie's new outfit. When she realized what it meant, she jumped up and gave me a hug. They were both very surprised to hear the news too.

John and I then proceeded to call our brothers and sisters later that night. It was a great night filled with memories and I felt so relieved that I was finally able to tell someone about our little peanut!!

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