Saturday, May 25, 2013

Bump Update 17 weeks

Posted by Mrs. C. at 6:40 PM

How Far Along: 17 weeks as of May 24th

Size Of Baby: According to baby center: "Weighs about 5 ounces and is 5 inches long from head to bottom-the size of a red onion.  Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. . She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.
Maternity Clothes: I gave in a bit and bought a nice comfy pair of maternity jeans. They weren't a necessity yet, but they make me feel a whole lot more comfy:)

Weight Gain About 2.5- 3 lbs.

Stretch Marks: Some have appeared on my lower back, but John says that they have always been there. So maybe I haven't noticed them? I think they might be more apparent now, because they are pretty obvious! I hope that's where they stay!

SleepYuck!  The restlessness has started. It's getting uncomfortable to lay on my tummy and I'm afraid to stay on my back too long. But, sleeping on my side is just NOT working for me! I can't stay asleep because I get uncomfortable fast. I hope my body learns to adjust.

Best Moment of the WeekDefinitely hearing your little heartbeat at the doctor's checkup this past Wednesday. It's beating strong, in the 150s.

MovementNot yet, but I am waiting!

Cravings: My appetite hasn't been too crazy this week. I tend to get really hungry at school during my morning class at 10:00. But I haven't overindulged in dinner to lunch.

Gender: 2/ 1/2 weeks until we find out!! My mom is pretty positive that baby is a boy.

Belly Button In or Out: In 

Wedding Ring on or Off: Definitely on. I usually don't wear my rings to the gym, but I want people to know that there is a baby daddy. haha:)

Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Nope. Baby has been so good to me.

What I Miss: A nice, restful night of sleep!

Labor Signs: N/A

Symptoms: Just a growing belly that makes me question if I'm pregnant or just getting fat.

Nursery: On hold until I find out baby's sex.



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