33 weeks |
Lots of exciting things have been happening these past few weeks, baby! Football season has started, as I'm sure you can tell from all the yelling and jumping that has been going on. I'm trying to contain myself, because I don't want to scare you in there, but I'm sure you are still wondering what all the racket is going on outside in the world.
John and I attended our first baby class! I had to do a bit of convincing to get him to go, since it was the breastfeeding class, but I'm glad he caved in. There were other dads there and they sure had a lot of questions! We learned how to hold a baby in different positions for feeding and it was so exciting, but definitely nerve wrecking. John and I had quite the laugh when we realized I had been bending the poor baby's arm back without even realizing it. I promise I will be more careful when Baby C. arrives. But boy, as the weeks are counting down, I'm getting nervous that I won't know how to care for my little one properly. I've been reading all that I can, but let's face it, I'm great at academics, but actually using the information logically, well, that's another story.
I had another doctor's appointment last week. I know it's getting closer because now I'll be going every week! I was relieved to hear that the baby moved from being transverse, to head down. But she still isn't settled comfortably in my pelvis. I'm hoping she's there now, because all this week I've felt a ton of pressure and have had very bad lower back pain. I'm getting an ultrasound next week (at 36 weeks) to check on her position. I've been reading about women going to the doctors and learning that their baby has changed sex and I'm so nervous about this. I would be blessed with a boy or girl, but I've been bonding with this little one for so long, I would be so crushed if she turned out to be someone else. I don't know why I can't trust in God and the ultrasound tech. I am just so blessed and excited that she's a girl, I feel like I can't be that lucky in life to have her. I've never had any sisters and I just can't wait to have a little girl to raise and love. I hope that makes sense.
How Far Along: 35 weeks as of September 28
Size Of Baby: According
to baby center: Baby weighs about 5 1/4 pounds and is 18 inches long, about the size of a honeydew melon. Because it's so snug in there, she isn't likely to be doing
somersaults anymore, but the number of times she kicks should remain
about the same. Her kidneys are fully developed now, and her liver can
process some waste products. Most of her basic physical development is
now complete — she'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.
Maternity Clothes: I've gotten creative these last few weeks and have found some non-maternity clothes that are looking quite cute. It's getting chiller out now that fall has arrived, so I'm also layering cardigan sweaters on top of my shirts.
Weight Gain: I'm up about 20 pounds. I haven't worked out much lately. It poops me out and makes my back ache at night.
Weight Gain: I'm up about 20 pounds. I haven't worked out much lately. It poops me out and makes my back ache at night.
Stretch Marks: So far so good. Fingers crossed. Five weeks to go!
Sleep: AWFUL!! This is the worst symptom I've had all pregnancy and it started at week 34. I've had lower back pain that stems from my tailbone and reaches out to my hips. Since I have no choice, but to sleep on my sides, sleep just isn't happening. My hips are so painful! I've resorted to sleeping on the living room chair a few times this week. But that isn't so comfortable either. Needless to say, I haven't gotten much sleep this past week.
Best Moment of the Week: I loved going to the breast feeding class with John last week. It's making everything seem more real.
Movement: Little Peanut loves to kick, hiccup, and squirm in the middle of the night when I'm trying to get comfy in the arm chair. I love the hiccups. The squirms are very low and are a bit painful, but I'm trying to enjoy feeling her in there.
Cravings: Still cottage cheese and anything sweet.
Gender: Pink Pink Pink!
Belly Button In or Out: Innie
Wedding Ring on or Off: On and not feeling tight at all.
What I Miss: A good night's sleep.
Labor Signs: No, but I am anxious to learn the signs. Only 2 more weeks until she is full term and I want to be ready. You know me, always need to be prepared.
Nursery: This has made me so happy this week! We finally moved the computer desk out of the baby's room. Everything is in order, we just need to hang a few more things on the wall. I put together the pack 'n' play and the baby swing. I am finally feeling like the house is getting in order:)
Symptoms: Just back pain, sleepless nights, on and off pelvic pain, and fatique.
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