Sunday, August 11, 2013

28 Week Bump Update

Posted by Mrs. C. at 5:42 PM

25 weeks
26 weeks
We've reached the third trimester!!! How crazy is that? In some ways, I feel like I've been pregnant forever, but then in others, it feels like the big day is approaching quickly. I really can't wait until November is here, but then I am trying to remind myself to enjoy this time with my family of 3 (husband and doggie), to enjoy the excitement in preparing for our darling girl, and just cherish these moments of being pregnant. I haven't had a post in four weeks because I went home to visit my parents and attend a teaching workshop on the Erie Canal. I had a lot of fun feeling like a kid again at home. My mom sure spoiled me and baby Cullen. She surprised us with lots of clothing and diapers. We also had the Cullen family baby shower while I was home. Everyone was so generous and I had a great time seeing everyone and celebrating baby.

How Far Along: 28 weeks along, on August 12th

Size Of Baby: According to baby center: You weight about 2 1/4 lb, the size of a large eggplant, and measure 14.8 inches. You can blink your eyes, which now have eyelashes! Your eyesight is developing and you might be able to see light. You're also developing billions of neurons in your brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.
Maternity Clothes: I bought a bathing suit top last week so that I can lounge on the beach with John when we go on our Babymoon this week to Atlantic City. I've been really lucky because the only thing that is growing is my belly and boobs!! My legs and arms have stayed thin, so far. Fingers crossed!

Weight Gain The doctor said I am up about 11 lbs this week.
Stretch Marks: No new ones, thank goodness.

SleepI've been sleeping like a baby this week. (I'm sure this is a phrase I'll stop using once Baby Cullen arrives) Besides getting up to pee 3x a night, I've been getting great sleep.

Best Moment of the WeekJohn and I built your crib and glider this week!!! The nursery has all it's major furniture now. We just need to move the computer and dresser out of there, and decorate. I'm looking forward to this project when I get back from vacation.
Movement: Baby is sitting low, a few inches below my belly button. The doctor thinks she might be in a 'n' shape and the movements I feel are probably her arms and legs kicking me. A few times they have been a bit forceful and make me jump!  But I still love being reminded she is in there and is ok.

Cravings: John and my new treat is Fro-yo! Yummy. I also have been hungry the past couple of days. So maybe baby is having a growth spurt. The one thing that I crave quite a bit is chocolate cake. Good thing that's not easily accessible!
Gender: I hope she likes pink! Her room will have lots of it!

Belly Button In or Out: Still an innie!

Wedding Ring on or Off: Still sporting the ring.

Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Nada.

What I Miss: Running. I stopped running at 26 weeks because I had a weird cramp that lasted a day or so. I don't want to hurt little miss in there. She's my number 1. Running will just have to wait until December.

Labor Signs: No. No. No. We don't want that until 12 more weeks!

Symptoms: Still feeling great. The one complaint I have now is that every time I walk, I feel like I have to go pee. But I really don't have to!! It's an awful feeling. But I guess it could be worse.

Nursery: It's getting started!
Emotions: I've been feeling pretty happy and blessed this week. I love my little growing family of John, Sammie, and baby. :)


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