Sunday, September 1, 2013

30 and 31 Week Bump Update

Posted by Mrs. C. at 3:12 PM
Wow! A lot has happened in the last 3 weeks. I keep meaning to update this little blog of mine, but my to-do list just keeps getting in the way. I feel like I have a million things to do, but each individual task is so large that it takes so much effort to check one off my list. But, I love my lists, and keeping track of what needs to be done makes me feel reassured. 
30 weeks!

31 weeks... at home in Lockport for my baby shower.

So, what has been going on in the life of the Cullen family?

 Great Times with Great Friends
Well, at exactly 30 weeks pregnant, on August 24th, two of my high school friends surprised me with a little Momma-to-be outing. Christen had sent me a message on facebook a few weeks prior, telling me that she had to come into RI to visit Brandon's aunt, and she wanted to get together for lunch.

Well, when the day arrived, I stood waiting for her at Luxe Burger Bar, and when she tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around, I was in for a BIG surprise! My other friend, Ashlie, flew in from NY to visit me and the two of them had planned a girls day for me!!! They took me out to lunch, where we caught up on all the awesome things happening in our lives. 
We found a photobook at the movie theater.. just like we're back in HS!
Pedicures... I was ticklish!
Then we got pedicures and went to see a movie. It was SUCH a great day and I'm so lucky and grateful to have two life-long friends that will always be there for me, no matter how many miles apart we are. The weekend couldn't have come at a better time, because I was feeling down the previous day. *blame the pregnancy hormones*

 ER Visit
 The following week, August 29th, I ended up in the ER for a little visit. My tummy had felt weird all night after eating dinner and walking, and I got a severe pain in my right sight that left me leaning against the bathroom door in agony for a minute. It hurt so badly that I got nauseous from the pain. Although the sharp pain went away in a few minutes, I had pain in the same spot ALL night and couldn't sleep. It went away by morning, but the Doctor wanted me to go to the hospital to get it checked out because I hadn't felt my baby girl move in the morning.

I hopped in the car right away and was so scared the entire way that something was wrong with my little one. I felt in my gut, that everything was ok. That's why I didn't go to the hospital at night, but the nurses voice rang through my ears to get to the ER as soon as possible. On the way there, I felt my baby girl kick, reassuring me that everything would be ok. That finally calmed my nerves a bit.

When I arrived, they took me in right away, had me give a urine sample, and found the baby's heart beat. They gave me a pelvis exam, checked my cervix, and gave me an ultrasound to check fluid levels. I had hoped they would confirm that she was a little girl, but they told me they would have to look special for that. I did get to see her precious little face for a second and oh my gosh, it was so perfect. She has a cute little button nose and just looked like the sweetest little thing to me. I have LOVED every single ultrasound I have gotten. I know she is in my belly because I can feel her every day, but seeing her is so magical. It really reminds me that, yea, there sure is a little baby in there and she is yours.

John was just the best husband on this day. He left work and walked across the street to Women and Infants to visit me. He looked so handsome and professional  in his white coat and the nurses thought he was my doctor at first!!! I love seeing him in action. Unfortunately, this has only happened during the times I've been in the hospital, but still. He calms me down and makes me feel so safe.

They couldn't really make any definite conclusions about what caused my pain, but everything looked good, so they sent me on my way. The midwife who gave me the ultrasound said that my baby is transverse, with her head on the left and butt on the right. So her bottom must have been pushing on my belly. She told me to have a talk with my daughter about hurting her mama. hehe.

Baby Shower
We also had our 2nd and final baby shower right on the 31 day mark. It was so wonderful, it deserves it's own post.


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