Monday, February 25, 2013

Always in my life

Posted by Mrs. C. at 2:46 PM
I often think about my grandma Baschnagel. Her charisma, her laugh, her beautiful singing voice.... she meant so much to me and I miss her every day. I know that she is in heaven looking down on me because she has sent me signs. She was there during my car accident and kept me safe as my guardian angel. I know this because the only part of my car that was untouched was where her prayer card laid. I also knew she was looking down on me when I discovered that Sammie was born on her birthday.

And now, according to all the pregnancy websites, my due date is November 2nd.  The day my father was born.  I find myself imagining what my grandma felt during her journey towards being a mother. Things happened for her around the same time and I'm so glad to be able to hold her close during this journey.


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