Monday, February 25, 2013

How did they know?

Posted by Mrs. C. at 2:43 PM
People have been making comments this week that makes me wonder how in the world they know our news!

*I went to a yoga/art class on Friday night with a friend from work. During the art portion, we painted silk scarves and I told another woman that hers was beautiful. She laughed and said, "Why, thank you! You'll make an excellent mother one day, unless you already are!"  Um, say WHAT?

*I called my mom on Saturday and while we got talking, she mentioned how she was telling her friend about the shower details she was planning. Her friend asked, "Joelle's pregnant?"  My mom laughed and told her, no, but when she is..."

Wow, mom.  It was hard enough to keep this a secret, but then you bring that into the conversation. I was smiling a mile wide when I hung up the phone.

* The day before the big Positive, John told me that he wasn't that sad the first time around when it wasn't a positive, but this month he really was.  aww. This meant so much to me. More than he knows. I think God had us wait a month so that I could know that John was truly ready for this next step in our lives.


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