Monday, February 25, 2013

The Beginning

Posted by Mrs. C. at 2:03 PM
Thursday, February 21 began just like any other day off. It was February break and Sammie and I hung out all day together. My half-marathon schedule called for an 8 mile run and boy was it a disaster. Cramps and tummy issues plagued the entire run. It really was one of the most miserable runs I had had in my whole running 'career.'

When I got back from that awful experience, I decided to take a pregnancy test. I had taken my first one of the month the night before and disappointed myself and John with a negative. I really wasn't even that hyped up on this day's results The month before I was SO consumed with pregnancy thoughts and SO convinced that I was, that every test I took left me feeling so upset. This time, I vowed not to over-think and over-analyze.

When I looked that that little stick a few minutes later, I couldn't believe that there was a another line, albeit it was very light pink.  I actually didn't get too excited by this, because I really didn't fully believe what it was saying. I hoped onto google and read that any double line means it's positive. I guzzled some more water and hopped in bed with Sammie for a nap to pass the time before I could take a second test.  Well, needless to say, I was too worked up to sleep. After a while, I decided to test again. I used a 'real' walmart test this time and once again there was a double line. 

I jumped for joy and hugged Sammie, telling him he was going to be a big brother. I was so happy, yet cautious and I wondered if I should tell John or wait for the test line to be darker the next day.

To be continued...


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