Monday, February 25, 2013

The Big Reveal

Posted by Mrs. C. at 2:15 PM
Of course, medical life had its role in all of this and John was on call until 9pm.  When the time rolled around, I got a call from John saying that he would be another hour or so.  I had to wait to share the news until he arrived home at 11:45pm!!!  While I was waiting for him, I contemplated whether to tell him so soon. But he wasn't going to be home at all the following day because he was visiting a medical school friend at the casino. I knew I couldn't wait until Saturday, so I finalized the plan I had in my head for months.

When 10pm rolled around, I pampered myself and applied makeup, straightened my hair, put something else on besides my pjs.  I wanted to look nice for John when he heard the news. I charged our camcorder and placed it strategically on the counter, in view of the couch. And I waited.  

and waited.

John finally arrived home. His first comment was, "oo You look nice!" haha. That made me think that maybe I should dress up a bit more on days off :)  As I followed him around the house waiting for the moment, I had to restrain all my excitement. I couldn't help following him and pacing back and forth. He used the bathroom, took a call (5 minutes, ugh!) from the hospital, and checked the sports scores online. Finally, I got him settled on the couch with his dinner, but not before he said, "You know the camera's on, right? and...Why is Sammie in the bathoom with the door closed"  

Nervous, anxious, annoyed that he spotted the camera and Sammie, I stammered out whatever words I could muster:
"Yea, John, I have a surprise for you. Sammie got a new outfit at the store. He wants to show it to you."

(I'm sure John thought I was acting like a nutcase at this point)  I opened the bathroom door and Sammie strutted out and jumped into John's lap on the couch. 

"What's it say?  I'm... going... to ... be a big brother?  Really?  Is this for real?  I thought yesterday you said...."

Then we hugged and kissed and happiness was passed around the room.  It was all wonderful except for the fact that in my nervousness, I had pushed the wrong button on the camcorder and none of it got recorded. :(


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