Monday, June 10, 2013

Bump Update: 19 weeks

Posted by Mrs. C. at 4:06 PM

View from my angle!

How Far Along: 19 weeks, 2 days, as of today, June 10th

Size Of Baby: According to baby center: Baby weights 8 1/2 ounces and measure 6 inches long, about the size of a mango. Research shows that he/she might be able to hear mom's voice now.  Baby's arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of her body now. Her kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on her scalp is sprouting. A waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on her skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid.
Maternity Clothes: My belly popped this week, so I treated myself to a few tanks from Old Navy. I can still fit into pre-pregnancy shorts and pants, but I find that my bump looks bigger and more defined when I wear maternity clothes.

Weight Gain This week my weight increased about 2lbs!!! It freaked me out a bit, but I'm trying to be more accepting of my changing body. So, total weight gain now is about 4-4.5 lbs depending on the day.

Stretch Marks: I found a few light ones on the top of my breasts a few weeks ago and they really upset me. But since then, I've been lucky. *knock on wood*

SleepUGH! The bump has grown and so has my conscientiousness to not sleep on my belly or back. I haven't been getting good sleep because I just can't sleep comfortably on my sides. I also have been waking up very early because of back pain from sleeping on my hips.

Best Moment of the WeekA fellow teacher and some cute girl students of mine said that I was finally showing. I will admit I was apprehensive about it at first, especially since the scale had gone up that morning, but I am finally starting to feel proud of my growing belly. I just find it really difficult to distinguish between whether I am gaining baby weight or fat weight from my decline in vigorous exercise.

Also, I'm starting to sing and play piano to baby. I want him/her to know my voice and to be musically inclined! John joked that I was starting early to make sure the baby doesn't get his anti-musically inclined genes.

Movement:  I thought I felt baby earlier last week, but I haven't felt anything since, so maybe I was wrong? I'm starting to get nervous and can't wait for the ultrasound this week.

Cravings: SWEETS! Ice cream, chocolate, donuts.. ugh.. I am being bad!

Gender: We find out in 2 days! EEK!!!

Belly Button In or Out: In 

Wedding Ring on or Off: On

Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Nope. Baby is still treating me well.

What I Miss: SLEEP!

Labor Signs: N/A

Symptoms: Occasional hunger pains and of course, the emerging bump.

Nursery: More on this after we find out the sex on Wednesday.

Funny Story of the Week: On my drive to work one day this week, I decided to stop by Dunkin Donuts to get my first, ever caffeinated latte during this pregnancy. Since our school schedule got changed and I had a morning class, I thought I'd need a little pick me up to get me going. All morning I was craving a Honey Cruller donut, but on my ride to DD, I talked myself out of it. I knew I had been eating too much sugar that week and the scale indicated the same. Now, if you know me, I have very little willpower against yummy foods. But I was determined to avoid that donut. When I drove up to the window, the first thing the DD guy asked me, was if I wanted a free donut! I shook it off, thinking I had misheard him, and proceeded to order my latte. Then he asked again, saying, "Are you sure you don't want a donut? It's free!" Oh wow, was my will power tested. I felt like God was testing me. I mean, never ask a pregnant lady twice if she wants a donut!!! But I said no again, and drove away with my latte, questioning my sanity. I mean, I have never been offered anything free at a drive-through and I couldn't believe that on the day I had promised myself no donut, that I was offered a free one! What was going on in the universe and was I equally as crazy for saying no? Well, as I approached school, I heard on the radio, that it was National Donut Day. What a crazy coincidence!

What's making me feel like a mom already:The same day as the donut incident, we had a lock-down at my school. This is the drill used when there is an intruder in the building. We have to lock the door, turn off the lights, close the shades, and get all the kids in the corner, keeping them quiet. When I heard the announcement that there was a lockdown, I was terrified inside! First of all, we only have 2 1/2 weeks left of school. It seemed a bit late for a practice drill. Second, it was the worst day to have a drill, since every one's schedule was off because of Career day. There were even visitors in the building! Third, the man that gave the instructions over the loud speaker was not the usual guy (the Vice-Principal) and he sounded super serious! I really, truly, deeply, thought this was a real lockdown. I ordered my students safely in a corner and I tried to stop my hands from shaking as I pulled the blinds down. Inside, I was thinking, this can't be happening. I need to protect my baby. I even said a few Hail Mary's. Well, it turned out it was only a drill, but I was so shaken up for the next hour. I have never reacted that way before during a drill and I wonder if it's my mommy instincts coming to life already.

EmotionsHappy. Excited. Nervous. 


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