Monday, June 10, 2013

Thoughts on Gender and our Own Gender Prediction Test

Posted by Mrs. C. at 3:40 PM

Since we will be finding out if BabyCis a boy or girl this week, I thought it would be fun to take a look at all the Old Wive's Tales out there and see how accurate they are. 

John and My Predictions: For the longest time, up until about week 16, I really, really felt baby was a girl. My mom, John's grandma, my mom's friend Becky, they all guessed boy. Every time I would get defensive and inside, I told myself baby was a girl. John even had a few dreams of the baby as a girl and he told me the week we found out we were pregnant, that he had a feeling you were a girl. I think secretly I really wanted a girl and couldn't imagine baby being anything else.

BUT, these past 2-3 weeks, I've been calling baby a "he" unintentionally. We finally came up with a boy name, which we were having difficulty with, and I am really thinking about what a boy nursery would look like. John also had a dream that you were now a boy. I even picture holding a little baby boy in my arms.

So? I'm totally mixed up and have no clue as to what you are. But I know with all my heart that I will be happy with either.

Chinese Gender Predictor

This chart uses the mother's birthday and date of conception and makes a prediction based on the two. According to this tale... GIRL!

Baby's Heart Rate

Apparently, if the baby's heart rate is over 140, it's a girl. If the baby's heart rate is under 140, it's a boy. Recent heart rates have all been in the 150 range.... GIRL!

Sweet or Salty

If you're craving sweet foods, it's a girl, while salty foods means it's a boy. Well, this has been tough because I crave EVERYTHING. But the past 2 weeks, I've been craving everything with sugar in it!

Mayans Gender Predictor

According to the Mayans, the mothers age at conception and year of conception were considered to determine gender. If both are even or odd, it's a girl. If one is even and one is odd, it's a boy.Well, I was 28 when you were conceived and the year is 2013, so that makes you a


Many people say that girls take your beauty away. I have been getting pimples more than usual, so I will say....

Morning Sickness

Intense morning sickness equals a girl. I didn't vomit once!!! Thank you baby!  That makes you a.... BOY!

How are you Carrying?

Lots of people tend to say that if you're carrying high, it's a girl. If you're carrying low, it's a boy. I really have no idea if I'm carrying high or low... haha so... this one is a mystery! 

If your husband has more sisters than brothers, it's a girl. If he has more brothers than sisters, it's a boy. What an odd tale!  John has 1 sister and 1 brother, so once again, a mystery!

All Belly or All Over?

It's been said that if your weight gain is just in the belly, it's a boy. If you're gaining all over, it's a girl. I've only gained 4 pounds, but it's in my belly and back. So, I guess you are a BOY!

Never heard this one before, but if you're chest is growing a lot, it's a boy. If it stays the same, it could be a girl. I've grown a bit, but not really as much as I thought (thank goodness!) So.. GIRL!

Let's total them up!

According to all of this "scientific evidence," Baby C is going to be a GIRL!!!


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